CAR - some links to the clarifications of rules


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CAR - some links to the clarifications of rules

Beitrag von kettlefish »

At the CarcassonneCentral forum we have the CAR - "Carcassonne - The Complete Annotated Rules".
In the past Matt Harper was working on this. Obervet03 started in 2012 with the CAR 6.0.
I'm helping Obervet03 with the correction reading of the rules for the next coming S-CAR 6.4.

Here are some links to the new rules and clarifications for the S-CAR 6.2 also included in the S-CAR 6.3:

Changes in the rules - BigBox4
Mage and Witch
The Gold Mines
The Ferries
(Obervet03 did the correction reading for the translation)

And also the response of my meeting at Essen with HiG is finished
Robbers - Catapult - Dragon - Barn + Pig - Festival

Here are now the links for the Dragon:
The Dragon and the City of Carcassonne
The Dragon and the Wheel of Fortune
Thanks to Obervet03 for the translation from German to English

Here comes the link to the finished article:
Dispatches and the double turn with builder
Thanks to Obervet03 for the translation and correction reading

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