Die Suche ergab 23 Treffer

von Scott
Mo 24. Apr 2023, 20:20
Forum: Carcassonne Maps
Thema: Aufbewahrung der Carcassonne Maps
Antworten: 8
Zugriffe: 5354

Re: Aufbewahrung der Carcassonne Maps

There are solutions for that too. Four bean bags, one on each corner, and it will stay flat. It's not my preferred storage solution; I have an A1-sized canvas bag with two sheets of corrugated plastic to keep it rigid. It fits nicely in the corner of my game room. Everyone has their own preferred so...
von Scott
Mo 24. Apr 2023, 17:29
Forum: Fan-Erweiterungen - Fan-Expansions
Thema: Die Flüsse von Carcassonne
Antworten: 2
Zugriffe: 2273

Re: Die Flüsse von Carcassonne

Some additional variants have been collected on Wikicarpedia: https://wikicarpedia.com/index.php/River#House_rules My favourite is this: "Start from the fork, playing tiles on all three branches. Play the spring and lake tiles at the end, or mix two of the three with the rest of the river befor...
von Scott
Mo 24. Apr 2023, 17:19
Forum: Carcassonne Maps
Thema: Aufbewahrung der Carcassonne Maps
Antworten: 8
Zugriffe: 5354

Re: Aufbewahrung der Carcassonne Maps

For those looking for an ultra-compact storage and transport solution, a blueprint tube can work well. The better ones have a strap so that you can sling it over your shoulder. Example: https://www.amazon.de/-/en/Drawing-Blueprint-Telescoping-Waterproof-Resistant/dp/B07FFJRM4Z (not currently in stock)
von Scott
Sa 22. Apr 2023, 23:01
Forum: Sonstige Shops
Thema: Carcassonne Storage Box
Antworten: 31
Zugriffe: 13455

Re: Carcassonne Storage Box

The best BigBox organizer I've seen is this one: https://www.etsy.com/listing/1436989865/
von Scott
Mi 21. Dez 2022, 19:30
Forum: Rules & Rules Questions
Thema: WICA Translators needed
Antworten: 0
Zugriffe: 3115

WICA Translators needed

Wikicarpedia has had some good successes this year with publishing the English rules for this year's releases before the general public has been able to purchase them. We have some very hard-working translators who have been translating from English into their native languages: Dutch, French, Romani...
von Scott
Mi 27. Jul 2022, 16:08
Forum: Sonstige News
Thema: Nebel über Carcassonne
Antworten: 77
Zugriffe: 29218

Re: Nebel über Carcassonne

I'm curious to know what causes advancement in levels.
von Scott
Di 1. Mär 2022, 17:01
Forum: Hinweise, Hilfestellungen und Richtlinien - Notes, Assistance and guidelines
Thema: Translation/Distribution Agreement with Catalan community
Antworten: 6
Zugriffe: 3421

Re: Translation/Distribution Agreement with Catalan community

KlausiMausi hat geschrieben: Di 1. Mär 2022, 12:56 Die letzten Einzelheiten zum Verfahren laufen.

Die Übersetzungen sind vorbereitet.

Näheres in Kürze.
von Scott
Di 1. Mär 2022, 06:02
Forum: Hinweise, Hilfestellungen und Richtlinien - Notes, Assistance and guidelines
Thema: Translation/Distribution Agreement with Catalan community
Antworten: 6
Zugriffe: 3421

Re: Translation/Distribution Agreement with Catalan community

As Catalan is very similar to Romanian and as I'm of Romanian origin, I may help with the translations; just send me what needs to be translated (or point me to it). The link that Bigboss posted has links to all the Catalan PDF files. I've completed first drafts of all the English translations toda...
von Scott
Mo 28. Feb 2022, 19:29
Forum: Hinweise, Hilfestellungen und Richtlinien - Notes, Assistance and guidelines
Thema: Translation/Distribution Agreement with Catalan community
Antworten: 6
Zugriffe: 3421

Translation/Distribution Agreement with Catalan community

I am pleased to announce that Carcassonne Central and Carcassonne-Forum have been granted the right to translate and distribute expansions created by CAE Manresa and carcassonne.cat https://www.carcassonne.cat/expansions-catalanes/ Under the terms of the agreement, it has been requested that we impr...
von Scott
Sa 26. Feb 2022, 22:43
Forum: Introduction
Thema: Hello. Nobody from Spain?
Antworten: 3
Zugriffe: 4889

Re: Hello. Nobody from Spain?

Hi Angel,

It doesn't appear that Devir has released this expansion yet, so the official Spanish rules are not yet available, but I see that someone on BGG has done a translation: https://boardgamegeek.com/filepage/162898/reglas-exp10-under-big-top-en-espanol
von Scott
Di 8. Feb 2022, 20:07
Forum: Allgemeines - General
Thema: Liste von Fan-Erweiterungen für Anfragen bei Autoren
Antworten: 22
Zugriffe: 11098

Re: Liste von Fan-Erweiterungen für Anfragen bei Autoren

Seli contacted me about converting some of my expansions to Winter Download edition. I already responded to seli privately, but to save time I thought I would post in this thread that the members of this forum have my permission to translate my expansions into German and adapt to other artwork editi...
von Scott
Mi 31. Jul 2013, 02:19
Forum: CarcC News
Thema: CarcassonneCentral Forum
Antworten: 362
Zugriffe: 142166

Re: CarcassonneCentral Forum

Hi folks! I was really hoping that the problems were behind us, but as the saying goes: "Bad things happen in threes."

Gantry is on the road at the moment, so we're stuck until he gets back because I don't have access to anything right now.
von Scott
Fr 28. Jun 2013, 05:44
Forum: CarcC News
Thema: CarcassonneCentral Forum
Antworten: 362
Zugriffe: 142166

Re: CarcassonneCentral Forum

Gantry has restored the images.
von Scott
Mi 26. Jun 2013, 07:01
Forum: CarcC News
Thema: CarcassonneCentral Forum
Antworten: 362
Zugriffe: 142166

Re: CarcassonneCentral Forum

Gantry put the forums in Maintenance Mode to prevent people from posting until we're done. I have just finished re-installing the addons (except the one that broke everything) and now Gantry will make another backup and set up a second set of forums where I can test future updates without risk of br...
von Scott
So 23. Jun 2013, 03:32
Forum: CarcC News
Thema: CarcassonneCentral Forum
Antworten: 362
Zugriffe: 142166

Re: CarcassonneCentral Forum

Update from Gantry:
My admin hasn’t sent me the backups yet as the restore can take a heckuva long time (cloud restore = slow) but I’ll work on it soon as I get it. I will be away Sat and most of Sunday tho, but can continue Sun nite if it doesn’t come back today.

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