Unfortunately I must have taken the image of the epic carcassonne session I mentioned with a family member's camera, as I do not have it on my SD cards. But instead, I offer something I did on a rainy sunday.... Carcassonne-puzzle!
Die Suche ergab 4 Treffer
- Sa 27. Okt 2018, 16:26
- Forum: Introduction
- Thema: Hello, from USA!
- Antworten: 12
- Zugriffe: 13566
- Sa 27. Okt 2018, 14:20
- Forum: Introduction
- Thema: Hello, from USA!
- Antworten: 12
- Zugriffe: 13566
Re: Hello, from USA!
Ah, I see, that makes sense! :) It's still in the very early stages, so not much to look at yet. But I definitely will try to remember to post pictures when done. I found some cheap wooden boxes on Amazon that would fit the tiles very nicely, and a large roll of maple veneer, and some 1.5mm maple sh...
- Sa 27. Okt 2018, 12:46
- Forum: Introduction
- Thema: Hello, from USA!
- Antworten: 12
- Zugriffe: 13566
Re: Hello, from USA!
One Problem: There is no cool down period... Oh... :( does that mean they are not going to be publicly accessible? I've read through various threads but it's either not there or lost in translation as to the reason for this.... All I saw was in the info on the legality was that HiG restricted the d...
- Sa 27. Okt 2018, 02:00
- Forum: Introduction
- Thema: Hello, from USA!
- Antworten: 12
- Zugriffe: 13566
Hello, from USA!
Just thought I'd pop in to say hello! I've come here from CarcassonneCentral in pursuit of the fine work being done here to make expansions available in old/new art styles for those of us with completionist tendencies. Unfortunately I cannot see them yet as I'm guessing there is a cool down period b...