Die Suche ergab 2 Treffer

von Just a Bill
Do 31. Jan 2019, 20:11
Forum: Listen und Übersichten - Lists and overviews
Thema: Die Carcassonne-Familie
Antworten: 129
Zugriffe: 19894

Re: Die Carcassonne-Familie

Have there been any new "official" conversions to include, after The Abbot and The Watchtowers?
von Just a Bill
Di 1. Mai 2018, 17:00
Forum: Listen und Übersichten - Lists and overviews
Thema: Die Carcassonne-Familie
Antworten: 129
Zugriffe: 19894

Re: Die Carcassonne-Familie

Excellent work, Zotto. Thank you so much. This is beautiful! Thank you for such great quality.

It seems The Besiegers (Die Belagerer) is missing from 2013. I believe it comes after Windrosen II and before The Festival (Das Fest).

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